20 results/minute

SeLoger Search Export

Scrape all the listings from a SeLoger Search URL. #phone included!

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users867 users
runs5362 runs

This automation will help you to scrape all listings from a SeLoger search URL. With more than 50 data attributes, including phone number. All SeLoger Search URLs are accepted, which will let you scrape listings after you have used all the filters available on the website: apartment type, location, budget, area…

We have successfully developed a no-code SeLoger scraper that skillfully navigates past DataDome anti-bot strategies, enabling efficient and seamless data extraction.

It will specifically match your data scraping needs if you need to:

  1. monitor a list of items for your personal acquisition purpose
  2. build a list of leads of real estate agencies
  3. perform a top-down market analysis and and gather real estate market insights

Once complete, export your data to a structured and valuable dataset: a Google Sheet, a S3 bucket, or simply receive it by email.

Launch your scraper on a recurring basis. With our schedule feature, you can specify how often you need to scrape, and we’ll trigger the launch at the hour suggested. For instance, every week day at 8AM.

All hours on the app are GMT+0 i.e. if you schedule at 8AM, the SeLoger scraper will start at 10AM Paris Time.

All automations do happen are cloud-based. It means you do not need to provide any computer resources to achieve the SeLoger scraping. Get the cloud data you need. Relax.

Use the advanced settings to precisely control the scraping tool. If you need to collect only a specific set of data, you can stop the scraping once the robot has reached a certain page. Collect exactly what you need, no more.

Increase collection power tenfold with multi-threading. If you need to collect a large data set, you can launch several bots at the same time, and maximize the scraping speed. Data scraping on steroids!

Finally, receive a nice notification directly in your mailbox, as soon as the collection is finished. No more silent end of collection, success is loud and clear.

How to?


Who scrapes slowly, scrapes surely. For your account safety purpose, as well as for clear legal boundaries, this scraper will scrape up to 25 listings per minute. For instance, if you need to scrape 2 pages of results, the overall collection will last 2 minutes, and you will collect a 50 listings dataset.

Be careful, SeLoger displays up to 10000 results per Search URL. If you provide an URL with more than 10000 results, we will be able to scrape and deliver only 10000 results.

How to scrape more than 10000 results?

Whatever is the size of your SeLoger Search URL, SeLoger will only provide 10000 search results. And not a single one more. If you do need to scrape a large set of results, we do recommend to divide your large set of results using the set of filters you’re given.

For instance, let’s say you want to scrape all the houses of Paris (!), you get 15k results.

First, collect all results from first district, 75001. Second, collect all results from second district, 75002.


And here we go!

This pool of data is particularly rich in contact details. On average, out of 100 ads, you will get 98 telephone numbers, i.e. a superb 98% telephone rate.

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