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200 results/minute

Google Maps Search Export

Scrape all local businesses data from a Google Maps Search URL and export into a googlesheet. @mail included!

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runs21116 runs

This automation will help you to scrape all establishments from a Google Maps search URL. With more than 35 data attributes, including emails. All Google Maps Search URLs are accepted, including all latitude/longitude points from any country, and all keywords of any language. Collect all local businesses data from any location or any type.

It will specifically match your data scraping needs if you need to:

  1. build a list of local businesses leads with emails and phones
  2. track reviews score of your local competitors
  3. shape a top-down market analysis

Once complete, export your Google Maps local businesses data to a structured and valuable dataset: a googlesheet, a s3 bucket, or simply receive it by email.

Launch your scraper on a recurring basis. With our schedule feature, you can specify how often you need to scrape, and we’ll trigger the launch at the hour suggested. For instance, every weekday at 8AM.

All hours on the app are GMT+0 i.e. if you schedule at 8AM, the Google Maps Local Businesses scraping will start at 10AM Paris Time.

All automations do happen are cloud-based. It means you do not need to provide any computer resources to achieve the Google Maps Local Businesses scraping. Get the cloud data you need. Relax.

Parallel data collection is activated. Launches multiple scraping bots on a single list of Google Maps search URLs, and exports the entire set of locations at massive speed. The more the merrier!

Update advanced settings to stop collection once you did reach a certain threshold: once you did collect a certain number of listings. In addition, you can enter the language in which you would like the scraping to take place. Collect only what you need. In the language of your choice.

Once the collection is complete, receive a success notification in your mailbox. Keep alway in touch with the automated process. Good news is speaking loud and clear!

Finally, thanks to our latest Get Contact feature, retrieve contact data from each establishment! When the website is available, the scraper goes to the site, and retrieves, when the data is displayed, all the contact data: email, facebook and instagram links.

Collects quality leads massively and effortlessly.

How to?


Due to a display limit imposed by Google, it is not possible to collect more than 200 local businesses per search URL.

If you feel that you are missing a few establishments in particular - the small discreet ones! - you can use more precise keywords, collect establishments from a nearby geolocation point, or update the zoom value.

For example, if you are collecting restaurant data in Austin, you use this search URL:,-97.55,9z

Suppose you are missing Sushi restaurants, you can change your URL as follows:

  1. by specifying the keyword

  2. by targeting a nearby location

  3. by using a more precise zoom

Who scrapes slowly, scrapes surely. For your account safety purpose, as well as for clear legal boundaries, this scraper will scrape up to 200 listings per minute.

Trusted by the best

Used obsessively by the data-hungry around the world


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