Rely on structured real-estate datasets

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Real State Image

Turstworthy material

Convert unstructured data from real estate websites into reliable up-to-date datasets.


1-click export

Export data seamlessly from over 50+ platforms using our ready-to-use no-code scrapers.


Cost competitive

Pay what you need. We do provide an accurate pay-per-consumption billing logic. Scalable and simply fitting your needs.



Leverage our API for programmatically-based automations, streamlining your data handling tasks.



Invest good

Retrieve over 100k property data points daily from 20+ platforms worldwide.

Identify hot sectors, under-covered areas, and promising property investments with high rental yield potential.

Make informed investment decisions based on real-time, unique datasets.


Sell at the right price

Retrieve daily data on properties for sale in your area.

Compare sales prices, features, sunlight exposure, thermal insulation, floor level, construction date...

Sell fast and well.


Save time

Are you a freelance real estate agent? Stop wasting 2 hours daily collecting contact details for potential clients.

Automate the collection of contact details.

Focus on what matters most.

Trusted by the best

Used obsessively by the data-hungry around the world

5,000+ data nerds are scraping from the internet everyday, using our solid 1-click data scraping power houses. Collect data at massive scale with seamless integration. Join the crowd.

Elie Politi

Founder @ ParisKoreanClub

Efficiency, we were very impressed about this! Best scrapping tool so far.

Mar 8, 2024

Colby Philbin

Technical Product Leader @ Amazon

A++, I don't give reviews lightly, but in this case Lobstr certainly earns there A+ for the quality of their work, their customer service and very fair price.
I have worked with several scraping companies andlobstr has been the best to work with.

Mar 7, 2024

Enzo Achando

I've been using this platform for over 1 year and what can I say ... it's a gold mine. I highly recommend it.

Jan 10, 2024

François Roche

Founder @ MyWay

Lobstr is an incredible service and team that help me scale my business successfully.
Honestly no cons.

Mar 1, 2024

Juliette Sourdon

Digital Project Manager @ Leroy Merlin

I'm delighted with the tool, UX is fluid and meets my expectations!

Apr 8, 2024

Arthur Light

FANTASTIC TOOLPros: The responsiveness of the team, the help provided and the ease of use.
Cons: None for the moment, everything's fine and working perfectly.

Apr 4, 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

What is real estate scraping?

Real estate scraping uses software to automatically retrieve data from real estate websites. This saves time and ensures you get reliable, structured data regularly. We offer no-code real estate scrapers in our store that can be deployed in seconds.

Is real estate scraping legal?

Yes, it is legal to retrieve public data online, as long as you have legitimate access and the retrieval is done in a non-exhaustive manner. Please note, as mentioned in our terms of use, to use automation with moderation. For more details, check our article here.

I have retrieved phone numbers from real estate owners. Is this GDPR compliant?

Yes, provided that the individuals are informed that their number is in your database. For more information, see our personal data agreement and our blog article here.

I can't find a scraper for my site, can you do it for me?

Yes! You can suggest your idea for a real estate scraper in the Ideas section for us to consider developing. Alternatively, you can contact sales for a custom real estate scraper tailored for you.

I need to retrieve data via an API, is it possible?

Yes, you can retrieve data via API. Check our complete documentation here.