How to Scrape Twitter ( Using Twitter Scraper API
With so much content being shared, it’s one of the best platforms for tracking real-time trends, audience pain points, sentiment, and viral discussions.
But collecting Twitter data at scale isn’t as easy as it used to be. The official API is expensive and restrictive, making it difficult to access tweets efficiently.

What if you could still scrape Twitter trends, using Python, without relying on pricey and boring Twitter’s API?
In this guide, I’ll give you a walkthrough of how to use the API to scrape tweets from Twitter search results and hashtags.
But before we dive in, is scraping Twitter even legal?
Is it legal to scrape Twitter?
⚠️ Disclaimer This information is a general overview based on publicly available sources and does not constitute legal advice. Laws and regulations can vary by jurisdiction, so it's essential to consult with a legal expert to ensure compliance with applicable laws.
Scraping Twitter is generally legal when it’s limited to publicly available information. This might include collecting data such as public tweets, public profiles, and hashtags.

Additionally, issues may arise with copyright, privacy, or trade secret claims if you scrape sensitive information.
But why not use the official API?
As I said in the intro, the official API has several issues like:

- It’s super expensive
- It has ridiculous restrictions
- It’s not maintained properly
Now the question is, how can you scrape Twitter search results without using the official API?
How to scrape Twitter without using the ridiculous official API?

But if you’re reading this article, you’re most likely looking for a Python based solution. For that, you can try one of these 2 options:
- Building your own custom scraper
- Using’s Twitter Scraper API
The first option is a hell lot of complicated and takes a lot of time and resources.
You’ll have to understand Twitter’s webpage layout, do reverse engineering to find a way to fetch data, build a scraper, and continuously maintain it.

But if you need a well-maintained solution with no headache, going for an API is the best way to go.
What is the best free Twitter API?

- Collects all tweets from Twitter search/hashtag
- Gives you 25 key data points about every tweet
- Collects both top and latest tweets separately
- Bypasses login wall to avoid 100 search results limit
How much does it cost?
- Scrape 5K tweets per month for free
- Costs only $5 per 100k tweets
- Collect up to 10 million tweets per month
Now let’s create a Twitter trends scraper using Python and
Step by step tutorial to scrape Twitter trends using Python and API?
Before going beep-boop-beep-boop, let’s have a look at the prerequisites first. To get started, you need:
- Twitter session cookies
Why session cookies?
Twitter now won’t let you view tweets in search results and top trends without login. Everything is now behind a login wall.

So to access tweets, we need to login to a Twitter account. API uses cookies instead of login credentials for safety.
With cookies, you handle a session token instead of your username and password. This lets you avoid putting your login credentials directly in the script, which is safer.
But how do I find my session cookies?

- Go to and login to your account
- Open developer options
- Go to Applications > Cookies >
- Now copy the values of auth_token and ct0
Just be sure to store and manage your cookies securely and update them when needed.
Next, get the API key from your dashboard.

What else? You may already know that you need Python installed on your system to run the code and a code editor to write the code.
Now let’s get started with the coding part. I’ll code a powerful Twitter trends scraper in just 7 simple steps.
- Authentication
- Synchronization
- Creating Squid
- Providing inputs
- Launching crawler
- Downloading results
- Optimizing code
Let’s roll!
Step 1 - Authentication
First thing first, we need to authenticate our script to interact with the API and Twitter. Let’s start by importing the required libraries.
import requests import os from dotenv import load_dotenv
This library is used to send HTTP requests. It will help us communicate with the API i.e. sending requests and fetching responses from API.
I’ll use this library to securely store my API key, Twitter session cookies, and other sensitive information in environment variables.
You can also hardcode cookies and API keys in your script, but I prefer this method due to its enhanced security.

Now let’s simply load the API key and cookies to the script.
load_dotenv() api_key = os.getenv('LOBSTR_API_KEY') x_auth_token = os.getenv('TWITTER_AUTH_TOKEN') x_ct0 = os.getenv('TWITTER_CT0')
Now let's set the authorization headers. Also to maintain a persistent connection for multiple API calls, I'm creating a session object.
session = requests.Session() session.headers.update({'Authorization': f'Token {api_key}'})
This not only improves performance but also lets us reuse settings like headers across requests.
Now let’s sync our X/Twitter account with
Step 2 - Synchronization
endpoint.base_url = ''
You can now concatenate endpoints to url with an f-string, but they can lead to issues with missing or extra slashes.
from urllib.parse import urljoin
def sync_account(): print('Syncing X account...') payload = { 'type': 'twitter-sync', 'cookies': { 'auth_token': x_auth_token, 'ct0': x_ct0 }, } acc_url=urljoin(base_url,'accounts/cookies') response =, json=payload) sync_id = response.json().get('id') if not sync_id: print('Sync ID not found in response') return None check_sync = urljoin(base_url,f'synchronize/{sync_id}') response = session.get(check_sync) if not response.ok: print('Checking Sync Failed...') return None print('Account synced successfully!')
Let’s run the script and confirm success.

Voila!! We’re successfully synced.
Now let’s move to step 3.
Step 3 - Creating Squid
A "Squid" is a container that groups together related inputs and configurations for a specific scraping operation.
But looking at documentation, I found out that we need a crawler ID/hash too.

That’s because, for creating a Squid, we need to pinpoint which crawler/scraper we want to use.
3.1. Finding crawler ID
All crawlers/scrapers have unique IDs. To create a Squid, we need to get the crawler ID so that the API knows which crawler we need to run.
Let’s do a cURL to this endpoint and see the response.
curl --location "" --header "Authorization: Token <api_key>"

OK the response is in JSON and looks super messy. You can use Python for a cleaner response.

Now let’s copy the crawler ID and create our squid.
3.2. Creating Squid
I’m storing the crawler hash (crawler ID) in a variable so that if we need it in future, I don’t have to copy-paste it again and again.
crawler_hash = '1b16ff414d27920fb325b68436dbf5fc'
def create_squid(crawler_hash): squid_url = urljoin(base_url, 'squids') payload = { 'crawler': crawler_hash } print('creating squid...') response =, json=payload) if not response.ok: print('Squid creation failed...') return None squid_id = response.json().get('id') print('Squid created successfully with ID: ', squid_id) return squid_id
And our Squid is ready. Now it needs some input too. I need to tell it what and how much to collect.
Step 4 - Providing inputs
Just like crawler ID, each crawler has its own set of inputs (tasks and parameters) you need to specify.
Let’s do a simple cURL request and find out.
curl --location "" --header "Authorization: Token <api_key>

So we have 2 levels of inputs here.
- Task– the source input, in this case it’s a twitter_search_url.
- Squid– crawler settings parameters, in this case we need to set max_results to scrape and accounts to pinpoint Twitter accounts used in the Squid.
Let’s specify them one by one.
4.1. Add Task
Since we’re scraping Twitter trends, I’ll pick a trending topic and copy the search URL.
To get top tweets, copy the top tweets URL, and to get latest tweets, copy the latest tweets URL. You can add both of them as tasks to collect both top and latest tweets.

def add_tasks(squid_id): task_url = urljoin(base_url, 'tasks') payload = { 'tasks': [{ 'url': '' }], 'squid': squid_id } print('Adding task...') response =, json=payload) if response.ok: print('Task added successfully') else: print('Task adding error encountered')
But wait a minute… What if I have hundreds of search queries or hashtags?

Now let’s update the Squid parameters too.
4.2. Update Squid

But how do I find account ID?
curl --location "" --header "Authorization: Token <api_key>"

You can sync multiple Twitter accounts and connect them to your Squid by adding their account IDs.
This helps you protect your Twitter account from getting banned (if your goal is to scrape too many tweets and do it fast).
You can directly add the account ID to your code, but to satisfy my OCD, I’ll store it in the environment variable and load it from there.
account_ids = os.getenv('ACCOUNT_IDS')
def update_squid(squid_id): update_url = urljoin(base_url, f'squids/{squid_id}') payload = { 'params':{ 'max_results': 10 }, 'accounts': [account_ids], } print('Updating squid...') response =, json=payload) if not response.ok: print('Error updating the Squid...') return None else: print('Squid updated successfully...')
I’ve set the maximum results to 10 because honestly I don’t want to read 100s of tweets on politics.
You can also add other parameters like:
- concurrency – to launch multiple crawlers for faster scraping
- export_unique_results – remove duplicate results
- no_line_breaks – remove line breaks from text fields in CSV
- run_notify – receive an email notification once run is complete or ends due to error
And we’re all set… ready to launch.
Step 5 - Launching crawler
def start_run(squid_id): run_url = urljoin(base_url, 'runs') payload = {'squid':squid_id} print('Starting run...') response =, json=payload) if not response.ok: print('ERROR RUNNING...') return None else: run_id = response.json().get('id') print(f'Run {run_id} created successfully') return run_id
But this doesn’t tell us about progress. You won’t know what’s happening in real time.
5.1. Tracking run progress
Tracking progress is important because if you don’t know the progress, you can’t perform the next step.
def run_progress(run_id): run_progress_url = urljoin(base_url, f'runs/{run_id}/stats') print('Checking run progress') while True: response = session.get(run_progress_url) if not response.ok: print('Error getting stats') run_stats = response.json() print(f'Progress: {run_stats.get('percent_done', '0%')}') if run_stats.get('is_done'): print('\nRun is Complete') break time.sleep(1)
I also added a 1 second sleep to give the server enough time to process the run and update the progress data.
This makes sure each poll retrieves meaningful information.
Now let’s run our scraper and see if it actually works.

And it’s a success.
But how do I see and download output?
Step 6 - Downloading results
Once a run ends successfully, uploads the results to an Amazon S3 Bucket as a CSV file and returns a temporary download URL.
But export can take a few seconds and if you try to fetch the download URL before the export is done, the scraper will give you an error.
That’s why we need to confirm export status before requesting a download URL.
6.1. Get download URL

def get_s3_url(run_id): export_status_url = urljoin(base_url, f'runs/{run_id}') max_wait = 60 interval = 5 elapsed = 0 print('Checking export status...') while elapsed < max_wait: response = session.get(export_status_url) if not response.ok: print('Error getting export status') return None export = response.json() if export.get('export_done', False): print(export.get('status')) break print('Waiting for export to complete...') time.sleep(interval) elapsed += interval if elapsed >= max_wait: print('Export did not complete within the maximum wait time') return None s3_url_param = urljoin(base_url, f'runs/{run_id}/download') print('Getting S3 URL...') response = session.get(s3_url_param) if not response.ok: print("Error getting S3 URL") return None s3_url = response.json().get('s3') if not s3_url: print('S3 URL not found') return None print(f'S3 URL:\n {s3_url}') return s3_url
Now let’s download the results as a CSV file.
6.2. Download results
def download_csv(s3_url): csvresp = requests.get(s3_url) if not csvresp: print('Error downloading csv') filename = 'output.csv' with open(filename, 'wb') as f: f.write(csvresp.content) print(f'CSV saved as {filename}')
But what if I need to export the results to a Google Sheet or Webhook or another S3 bucket? Or maybe I want to receive the results file directly via email?
Well, you don’t need to search for an external workaround to do that. handles it for you.

def main(): sync_account() squid_id = create_squid(crawler_hash) if not squid_id: print('Squid ID not found... main()') return None add_tasks(squid_id) update_squid(squid_id) run_id = start_run(squid_id) if not run_id: print('Run ID not found... main()') return None run_progress(run_id) s3_url = get_s3_url(run_id) download_csv(s3_url)
Now this code looks pretty raw. How about optimizing and cleaning it for maximum efficiency?
Step 7 - Optimizing code
TBH, I don’t want to do it line by line. That’s why I’m going to use Cursor AI (you can use any AI tool like Claud or ChatGPT) to optimize the code for me.

You can also further improve it in different ways.
Full code
import requests import os import sys import time import logging from typing import Optional, Dict, Any from urllib.parse import urljoin from dotenv import load_dotenv # Configure logging logging.basicConfig( level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s' ) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class TwitterTrendsScraper: """A class to handle Twitter trends scraping using the Lobstr API.""" def __init__(self): """Initialize the scraper with environment variables and session setup.""" load_dotenv() self.api_key = os.getenv('LOBSTR_API_KEY') self.x_auth_token = os.getenv('TWITTER_AUTH_TOKEN') self.x_ct0 = os.getenv('TWITTER_CT0') self.account_ids = os.getenv('ACCOUNT_IDS') if not all([self.api_key, self.x_auth_token, self.x_ct0, self.account_ids]): logger.error("Missing required environment variables") sys.exit(1) self.base_url = '' self.crawler_hash = '1b16ff414d27920fb325b68436dbf5fc' self.session = self._setup_session() def _setup_session(self) -> requests.Session: """Set up and return a requests session with proper headers.""" session = requests.Session() session.headers.update({'Authorization': f'Token {self.api_key}'}) return session def _make_request(self, method: str, endpoint: str, **kwargs) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: """Make an HTTP request with error handling.""" url = urljoin(self.base_url, endpoint) try: response = self.session.request(method, url, **kwargs) response.raise_for_status() return response.json() except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: logger.error(f"Request failed: {str(e)}") return None def sync_account(self) -> Optional[str]: """Sync Twitter account with Lobstr."""'Syncing X account...') payload = { 'type': 'twitter-sync', 'cookies': { 'auth_token': self.x_auth_token, 'ct0': self.x_ct0 }, } response = self._make_request('POST', 'accounts/cookies', json=payload) if not response: return None sync_id = response.get('id') if not sync_id: logger.error('Sync ID not found in response') return None check_response = self._make_request('GET', f'synchronize/{sync_id}') if not check_response: logger.error('Checking Sync Failed...') return None'Account synced successfully!') return sync_id def create_squid(self) -> Optional[str]: """Create a new squid instance.""" payload = {'crawler': self.crawler_hash}'Creating squid...') response = self._make_request('POST', 'squids', json=payload) if not response: return None squid_id = response.get('id') if not squid_id: logger.error('Squid creation failed...') return None'Squid created successfully with ID: {squid_id}') return squid_id def update_squid(self, squid_id: str) -> bool: """Update squid configuration.""" payload = { 'params': {'max_results': 30}, 'accounts': [self.account_ids], }'Updating squid...') response = self._make_request('POST', f'squids/{squid_id}', json=payload) if not response: logger.error('Error updating the Squid...') return False'Squid updated successfully...') return True def add_tasks(self, squid_id: str) -> bool: """Add search tasks to the squid.""" payload = { 'tasks': [{ 'url': '' }], 'squid': squid_id }'Adding task...') response = self._make_request('POST', 'tasks', json=payload) if not response: logger.error('Task adding error encountered') return False'Task added successfully') return True def start_run(self, squid_id: str) -> Optional[str]: """Start a new run for the squid.""" payload = {'squid': squid_id}'Starting run...') response = self._make_request('POST', 'runs', json=payload) if not response: return None run_id = response.get('id') if not run_id: logger.error('Run creation failed') return None'Run {run_id} created successfully') return run_id def monitor_run_progress(self, run_id: str) -> bool: """Monitor the progress of a run."""'Checking run progress') while True: response = self._make_request('GET', f'runs/{run_id}/stats') if not response: return False run_stats = response"Progress: {run_stats.get('percent_done', '0%')}") if run_stats.get('is_done'):'Run is Complete') return True time.sleep(3) def get_s3_url(self, run_id: str) -> Optional[str]: """Get the S3 URL for the run results.""" max_wait = 60 interval = 5 elapsed = 0'Checking export status...') while elapsed < max_wait: response = self._make_request('GET', f'runs/{run_id}') if not response: return None if response.get('export_done', False):'status')) break'Waiting for export to complete...') time.sleep(interval) elapsed += interval if elapsed >= max_wait: logger.error('Export did not complete within the maximum wait time') return None s3_response = self._make_request('GET', f'runs/{run_id}/download') if not s3_response: return None s3_url = s3_response.get('s3') if not s3_url: logger.error('S3 URL not found') return None'S3 URL: {s3_url}') return s3_url def download_csv(self, s3_url: str) -> bool: """Download the CSV file from S3 URL.""" try: response = requests.get(s3_url) response.raise_for_status() filename = 'output.csv' with open(filename, 'wb') as f: f.write(response.content)'CSV saved as {filename}') return True except Exception as e: logger.error(f'Error downloading CSV: {str(e)}') return False def run(self) -> bool: """Execute the complete scraping process.""" try: if not self.sync_account(): return False squid_id = self.create_squid() if not squid_id: return False if not self.add_tasks(squid_id): return False if not self.update_squid(squid_id): return False run_id = self.start_run(squid_id) if not run_id: return False if not self.monitor_run_progress(run_id): return False s3_url = self.get_s3_url(run_id) if not s3_url: return False return self.download_csv(s3_url) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"An unexpected error occurred: {str(e)}") return False def main(): """Main entry point for the script.""" try: scraper = TwitterTrendsScraper() success = sys.exit(0 if success else 1) except KeyboardInterrupt:"Script interrupted by user") sys.exit(1) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Fatal error: {str(e)}") sys.exit(1) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
Now let’s run it… Here we go. A complete success!

Now before a celebration toast 🥂, let’s open the CSV file and see the output.

And here we have a dataset of top tweets on a trending topic with all important tweet data, retweets, bookmarks, likes, and what not.
And that’s it. Our Twitter trends scraper using API is fully functional.
What next?
Well, you can make this scraper even more powerful by integrating our other Twitter crawlers.

- Twitter User Tweets Scraper collects all tweets from any Twitter user profile
- Twitter Profile Scraper collects all public information of a Twitter profile for lead generation
Or you can also integrate OpenAI’s API to the scraper to build an AI powered sentiment analysis tool or any other data analysis use case.
Now before wrapping up, let me answer some FAQs.
How can I scrape twitter data for some years?
You can use Twitter Search Results Scraper for historical data collection too as it accepts Twitter advanced search URLs.
How do you download tweets from a user?
It allows scheduled scraping to extract data daily, weekly, or monthly.
Can you scrape Twitter without API?
Yes you can scrape Twitter search results, profile data, and user tweets without API and even without coding.
Does SNScrape Twitter scraping tool still work?
It does work but not at scale. SNScrape is an open source module for scraping social media like Twitter, it’s often used with Pandas.
But it has many issues. It collects limited tweets due to a login wall, isn’t well maintained, and is full of bugs.
What Python libraries are best for web scraping Twitter data?
You can use Tweepy with the official API, SNScrape for scraping without the official API, and Selenium or BeautifulSoup for HTML parsing and handling dynamic content.
But you can’t collect more than a few hundred tweets because the content is mostly behind a login wall. You’ll need expensive proxies and other measures to scrape data at scale.